Sarcococca ruscifolia is the number 1 Northwest My Garden Plant for 2012!
Also known as "Sweet Box", Sarcococca is a fabulous fragrant evergreen shrub that is a must have for every northwest garden. Sarcococca grows in a shady to part shady spot and can get to about 4' tall and wide. Very fragrant white flowers in late winter to spring followed by red or black berries. This is a good one for a container or on the pathway to your front door. There are other varieties that only get to about 12".
Thank you for following along with us on the road to the top 100 Northwest Plants! It has been fun writing numbers with plants. All of our staff at My Garden Nursery got to be creative and see who was th...
#7 Best My Garden Plant is a tropical plant called 'Neon Pothos'
Neon Pothos is a fabulous indoor plant for anyone who wants an easy houseplant. It is great as a hanging plant or on top of a tall piece of furniture. Most Pothos thrive in the a dark corner but Neon will have the best color in a bright location. It can trail up to 10 feet in time but you can cut off trailers and root them and give to friends.
Rhododendron PJM is the number #9 Best My Garden Plant for 2012!
Viburnum davidii is the #8 Best Northwest My Garden Plant for 2012!
This is a super hardy low growing shrub for northwest gardens. 2-3' tall and 3-4' wide. Fabulous metallic blue berries on glossy foliage make this a standout old fashioned shrub for anywhere. Plant with azaleas, ferns and rhodies.
Bouteloua 'Blond Ambition' is the #11 Best My Garden Plant 2012!