My Garden family

Staff Photos

I'm Jenny co-owner, living my dream every day!
Jenny Gunderson
Edwina loves color and texture and does most of the displays!
Tony is our Nursery manager. He can help with trees & shrubs!
Cheryl helps buy the annuals/perennials & can help in all areas!
Kenna is our Social Media Queen and register lead.
Michelle helps in all areas & has her own business E&E
Find Lucy in the Jungle with the plants and Dilly & Dally!
Lucy & Dilly
JoeLee can be found at the register or Food Truck!
JoeLee & Dally
Nancy is our flower expert! Come talk with Nancy!
Noah spends his day with the trees, conifers & shrubs!

The My Garden Family

Its' November 2023. What a whirlwind of a year it has been! 

Hey everybody, It's been awhile since we updated.  We have really grown over the past year. More beautiful plants plus all of the items you need to keep your plants healthy and happy.  We also have expanded the gift area with more books and puzzles and soaps and socks! 

We even have a food truck called the Purple Flamingo Cafe. It is run by Chef Ted and his assistant Chef Rae. They serve yummy grilled Flamini-Panini sandwiches that change every three weeks. You have to try the truffle fries and the Dilly Pickles too!! They are also serving  fresh salads, grilled cheese and Breakfast Sammis. 

If it's hot out I recommend the flamingo Freeze, a yummy blackberry slushy, the Apple Cider Freeze or a Lotus and then on cold days there is a full coffee bar serving Bellingham coffees and cocoas.

We are honored to have won best Garden/ Nursery of the NW for the third year in a row. We thank all of you wonderful customers who voted for us!! 

We just opened up the cactus Room that we have been renovating for the last few months. It is a much more comfortable space and during the heat of summer it will stay much cooler than in the past. People and plants will both enjoy the cooler temps. Inside the  cactus Room is the Purple Flamingo Cafe seating area. 

Dilly had a great time on Saturday, October 21nd. It was Mr. Dilly Pickles 7th birthday!! If you missed it, put it on the calendar ffor next year! On his birthday we give away 100 FREE black cat ears to wear. (first 100 customers) 

We also have a Clearance Carnival that weekend with games, prizes, and clearance plants and items in the greenhouse!!

April 1st 2018, We will be celebrating our third year in Bellingham! It has been such an amazing experience opening My Garden Nursery. We have loved getting to know our staff and the people and businesses of Bellingham. I want to thank you all for being so supportive. Bill and I still live down south and I (Jenny make the drive up every day. I do it because I love it with all my heart. I love the wonderful staff we have found, the customers and of course our funny cat, Mr. Dilly Pickles.

We opened My Garden Bellingham with the help of a small group of fabulous people on April Fools Day 2015. We took just 45 days to prepare and then opened the doors. It was a whirlwind and it wasn't perfect but people in the neighborhood were so thrilled that the parking lot was full all day.

Two years later and you will now find a magical place FULL of plants and other wonderful unique items. 

Imagine being surrounded by a huge jungle of indoor plants, succulents and cactus. Plus all kinds of fun things to put them in including the coolest hanging ceramic whale.

Take pictures with the hippo, T-rex and the 12' tall scarecrow, play ping pong, oh and check out the plants. Don't miss the fun seminars, events and workshops that are held throughout the year.


My Garden Nursery has everything for gardening, indoor and out and the people who know their stuff but share it in a way that will make you smile.

My Garden Nursery is the colorful and fun garden center. Acres of unique plants, laughter in every corner and inspiration for your garden.

Our past: My Garden Mill Creek 2006-2013

Our first store was a dream come true for me, and Bill and I have loved so many things about the last seven years. We have met so many wonderful people and our staff have been absolutely amazing and supportive. We have been through some challenges.

Crazy weather, falling down greenhouses crushed shade houses, and the economy. One of our challenges was breast cancer. I am a 'Survivor' now thanks to the support and love of everyone.

More from our past, Bill is the planty guy and doesn't understand my infatuation with gnomes hee hee... My Garden is a full service nursery focusing on the smaller gardens people have now.

We have an amazing selection of smaller trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals including the largest selection of Heucheras in the Puget Sound area.

Heucheras are the best evergreen perennial to hit the market in the last 20 years. Since opening in November 2006, My Garden has become a unique 4 acre garden center full of fabulous displays, colorful combinations that we are constantly changing depending on the season, the holiday, and our moods.

Some days you just feel PURPLE!We believe in practicing sustainable gardening. We offer organic soils, composts, fertilizers, remedies, and many organic vegetable and herb plants.

We have 3 Master Gardeners and 2 Certified Professional Horticulturists to assist you with all your gardening queries. We have several designers that can help you create fabulous containers or full gardens.

My Garden has a Post Office right in our store where you can mail packages and purchase stamps. At My Garden you will find tons of unique gift items and even garden art from local artists.

The holidays bring lovely lit trees, decor and ornaments for inside your home and the freshest Christmas trees and wreaths from the cascade foothills.

My Garden is fun! We have a ping pong table for dads and a train table for kids. We have fun events like wine tastings, The Hayster Celebration and The Horticultural Haunted House in October, auctions, and in December a Treasure Hunt Holiday Open House. We offer seminars on everything from roses to bonsai.


Bill shaved his head for me when I lost my hair from chemo. Gotto love him!


We went on our first real vacation since opening My Garden in December 2010. My hair is growing back and we are ready for a great 2011!

CREEK We had the coolest Post office!

What kind of garden center features a couple moss people greeting you at the door, a certified horticulturalist, two Master Gardeners, great plants at fair prices, and a ping-pong table? My Garden, your new neighborhood nursery is located on the Bothell-Everett Highway on the former site of the long time Wileywood Nursery.

That’s right! Nursery industry veterans Jenny Gunderson and Bill Raynolds are bringing back a neighborhood garden center to the heart of Mill Creek. My Garden Nursery has something interesting for everyone. High-quality distinctive plants for the gardener, a train set for kids of all ages, and a ping-pong table. Gunderson and Raynolds have a wealth of plant and retail knowledge. Gunderson has an extraordinary background in creating nursery magic at Molbak’s and Eagle Hardware (now Lowe’s). She offers inspiration for your garden with plant combinations that will make your yard or containers into a source of year round color. Raynolds (the guy wearing the hat) is a lifelong plant guy who masqueraded as an international banker in Asia and Russia before heeding his true calling amongst the impatiens and slug bait.

At My Garden, you will find the answers to your questions about how to select the best plants for your garden conditions and how to keep them looking great. To further enhance your garden, My Garden offers distinctive containers, interesting garden decorations, organic pest controls, and soil amendments. In addition, Gunderson and Raynolds have reopened the Post Office. You can purchase stamps and mail packages 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and 10am-1pm on Saturday.